Approved minutes for previous meetings

Here are links to download minutes for previous Parish Council meetings. If you require access to earlier meetings, please contact the Parish Clerk at 

Annual Parish Meetings:

20th May 24. Minutes. Annual Parish Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th May 2023. Annual Parish Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

2nd May 2018. Annual Parish Meeting Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

Annual Parish Council Meetings:

20th May 24. Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th May 23. Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

17th May 21 Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

9th May 19 Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

Parish Council Meetings:

16th September 24. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

22nd July 24. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th March 24. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th January 24. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th December 23. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th September 23. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

17th July 23. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

19th June 23. Extraordinary Meeting Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

20th March 23. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

16th January 23. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

21st November 22. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

26th September 22. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th July 2022. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

21st March 2022. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

17th January 2022. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th November 2021. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

20th September 2021. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

19th July 2021. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

16th March 2021. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th January 2021. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

16th November 2020. Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF.

21st September 2020: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

20th July 20: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF.

18th May 2020: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th March 2020: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

27th January 2020: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th November 2020: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

23rd September 2019: Minutes. DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th July 2019: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th March 2019: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th January 2019: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

19th November 2018: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

17th September 2018: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

16th July 2018: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

19th March 2018: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th January 2018: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

20th November 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

18th September 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

3rd July 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

26th June 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

15th May 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD .PDF

20th March 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF

16th January 2017: Minutes DOWNLOAD.PDF






A Parish Council is a civil local authority found in England and is the lowest tier of local government. They are elected corporate bodies, have variable tax-raising powers, and are responsible for areas known as civil parishes, serving in total 16 million people.

You can download the agenda for the meeting on the 18th November HERE.

The Agenda is published five working days before each meeting.

The following dates have been approved by the Parish Council but are subject to change,

2025 - 20th January, 17th March. 19th May, 21st July, 15th September, 17th November.

You can contact the Parish Clerk at